Art and About Painting Studio
Date: TBD
Time: 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM with instructor, 2:30 - 4:00 PM extra studio time without instructor
Location: Classroom 5A
Instructor: Maurice Casas
Level: All levels welcome
Tuition: $390 / Drop-In: $45, Members save 10%
Cancellation Policy
Class Description
Experience a vibrant community of art enthusiasts and immerse yourself in the world of art. If you're seeking a creative space where you can pursue your artistic endeavors independently while receiving valuable feedback, look no further. Our inclusive art group warmly welcomes individuals of all skill levels. Our weekly sessions offer stimulating art discussions covering various topics, serving as a springboard for inspiration. Following these discussions, we engage in constructive group critiques and provide insightful commentary on each artist's projects. The remaining time is dedicated to personal artistry, allowing you to focus on your creative process without formal instruction. Join us to cultivate your artistic growth and connect with fellow art lovers in an environment that celebrates and nurtures your unique talents.
About the Instructor
Maurice Casas’ art is a result of several years of experimentation and a search for identity. It is the fusion of these two disciplines plus his personal sensitivity that have given him a new vision for color and design. His work creates an environment of invented realms and is juxtaposed between past and present. He uses semi-abstract and figurative mark-making to create tension between reality and fanciful. Using Pre-Columbian Art and Iconography and elements of Architecture, Maurice has developed a unique and colorful language with its own vocabulary. Originally from Colombia in South America, Maurice has attended Colegio Antonio Narino and New York City Technical College. He has lived in the United States for 35 years where he has worked as a Visual Artist and Architectural Designer.
Instructor Email:
Instructor Phone: 321-202-3669