Round Table Poetry Workshop
Date: 10 Mondays, March 31 to June 9, 2025 (no class 5/26)
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Classroom 4A
Instructor: Dustin Nightingale
Level: All are welcome
Tuition: $270, Members save 10%
Cancellation Policy
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Class Description
Whether you are new to poetry or experienced, this class will give you two important aspects concerning the craft of poetry, all towards the goal of you completing a chapbook (small book) of your own writing. First, we will read famous poems from the last 100 years and discuss why they are important and how they are or are not still relevant. This is to ground our education and sense of history of the craft and to help us develop tools and techniques we can use in writing our own poems. Second, we will be writing our own poems to workshop in class. Students will read their original work and we will discuss the positive aspects of the work, while also giving suggestions to improve the writer's intent. At the end of the class, I will show you how to submit your work to literary journals for publication.
Materials List
The instructor will provide all reading materials, students will need a journal, pen, or laptop, and the ability to make hard copies of their writings available for fellow students.
About the Instructor
Dustin Nightingale received his MFA in Creative Writing from Indiana University. He has taught English and Creative Writing classes for over 15 years at four different colleges and has published over 100 poems in various journals. His book, Ghost Woodpecker, is available on Batcat Press.