The Painting Studio
Date: 10 Saturdays, April 5 - June 14, 2025 (no class 4/19)
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Classroom 3A
Instructor: Paul Iezzi
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Tuition: $390, Members save 10%
Cancellation Policy
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Class Description
Students looking to improve their technique working in Acrylic, Oil, Watercolor or Pastel are welcome. Subject matter will include landscape, still life, abstract, and portraiture. Students are encouraged to express creativity and personal vision.
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About the Instructor
Nature for Paul, is the stimulus for artistic expression - the essence of the work of art. His endeavor is unity of formal consideration, with the process of thought, the spontaneity of vision is sought to achieve simple awareness of living. Harmony and balance are key components in the construction of image. Of course, a little disorientation could lead to insight. Color lays the foundation for all of his work. Whether abstract, figurative, or figuration, color emotes the possibilities of the universe. This revelation becomes clear and begins to take shape as the work evolves. "My methods and approaches vary according to the subject. Changes happen and occur spontaneously as needed. I find media and methodology change to suit the course of life's events. Creativity is an expression of what is experienced, thought, felt." Visit Paul's website.